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November 18, 2005

Teacher As Boss

Teaching -- at any level and in any context -- is a human gift of profound importance. If that teaching is done in an ongoing organizational setting (e.g. a classroom), the teacher inevitably must accomodate him or herself to a shared assumption regarding authority. Yes, this shared assumption can be gossamer thin in some contexts; sturdier in others. Still, teachers who aspire to excellence ought to look and learn from other situations where a person is vested with authority. Hence, 'teacher as boss'. Not to suggest that teachers be 'only the boss'. But, rather, to suggest teachers learn what constitutes a good versus bad boss in order to make their own choices.

Here, then, is a link to a quick compilation of what makes for a bad boss. Here's one of many examples of good boss suggestions.

So, teachers might want to take a look at the good boss/bad boss indicators and judge for themselves how they're doing.

All good bosses are also good teachers. I'm struck, then, that the opposite is probably also relevant; namely, that all good teachers know how to make excellent use of what makes for a good boss.

Posted by Doug Smith on November 18, 2005 01:31 PM | Permalink