Articles by Douglas K. Smith
- Whatever happened to We? UUWorld, February 2005
- Thinking Differently About "We" Executive Update Online, September 2004
- We, Incorporated FastCompany, July 2004
McKinsey Quarterly
- The Horizontal Organization (with F. Ostroff) 1992 Number 1
- Why Teams Matter (with Jon Katzenbach) 1992 Number 3
- Team Leadership (with Jon Katzenbach) 1992 Number 4
- Teams at the Top (with Jon Katzenbach) 1994 Number 1
Harvard Business Review
- The Discipline of Teams (with Jon Katzenbach) March-April 1993 and re-published as HBR Classic in Summer 2005
Leader to Leader Journal
- Better Than Plan: Managing Beyond The Budget, No. 15, Winter 2000
- The Discipline Of Virtual Teams (with Jon Katzenbach), No. 22, Fall 2001
- What Do We Really Stand For? No. 35, Winter 2005
LiNEZine: Learning In The New Economy
- Performance & Learning: The New P&L, Summer 2000
- 24by7 Teaming, Summer 2001

Books by Douglas K. Smith

On Value and Values : Thinking Differently About We in an Age of Me Douglas K. Smith

The Wisdom of Teams: Creating the High-Performance Organization
J. R. Katzenbach, Douglas K. Smith

The Discipline of Teams: A Mindbook-Workbook for Delivering Small Group Performance J. R. Katzenbach, Douglas K. Smith.

Make Success Measurable: A Mindbook-Workbook for Managing Performance Douglas K. Smith

Fumbling the Future: How Xerox Invented, Then Ignored, the First Personal Computer Douglas K. Smith, R. C. Alexander

Taking Charge of Change: 10 Principles for Managing People and Performance Douglas K. Smith

Sources of the African Past David Robinson, Douglas K. Smith
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Christian Sarkar