Doug Smith is a consultant, writer, thinker, historian, teacher, lawyer and inventor who has made distinguished contributions in wide-ranging ways:
Management thinking and practice
Acknowledged as one of the world’s leading management thinkers and consultants
Has contributed to innovation, strategy and change in scores of organizations across more than forty industries in all three sectors: private, government and non-profit
Cited in High Impact Consulting for having the number one impact of all consultants mentioned. His philosophy and practices routinely generate better than 50:1 returns
As a McKinsey & Company Partner and co-leader of the Firm’s worldwide organization practice, launched the “horizontal organization,” a part of the reengineering revolution that Fortune called “the model for the next fifty years”
Most recently authored On Value and Values -- a sweeping vision to revitalize our values for our world
Co-authored The Wisdom of Teams and The Discipline of Teams, books used by millions of people in organizations the world over
Authored Make Success Measurable and Taking Charge of Change -- books praised for using performance to drive real change in a dynamic world
Education and social change
Author of On Value and Values: Thinking Differently About We In An Age Of Me, a social commentary and moral philosophy that has been compared in breadth and depth to Aristotle’s Politics and DeTocqueville’s Democracy In America.
Designed Achieving Excellence In Community Development, a performance-driven leadership program causing profound shifts in scores of affordable housing organizations across the United States while simultaneously setting a remarkably higher standard for results in adult education
- Executive Director of The Punch Sulzberger Leadership Program for leaders of news organizations seeking to navigate the profound changes affecting their industry: www.sulzbergerleadership.com
Co-authored Sources of The African Past, an innovative, college-level introduction to 19th century African history that puts student and teacher on a level playing field through it’s presentation of original sources
Taught high school math, physics and chemistry in The Gambia, West Africa and introduced set theory and “new” math to schools nation-wide
Co-Chairman of Legal Affairs, award winning web-based magazine restoring reason and trust to the intersection of law, life and culture
Member of Executive Committee that rearchitected governance at Yale University in early 1970s
Co-invented (patents pending) non-linear arrayed video -- system and methods for creating and viewing fully browseable video – an entirely new form of education and entertainment
Co-created McKinsey’s Rapid Response Network, one of the world’s earliest and longest lasting innovations in knowledge management
Former Chairman of E-Lab, company that applied cultural anthropology to invent new methods of behavior-based market research
Chairman of Foothold Technology, company bringing the benefits of application service technology to the non-profit sector
Wrote Fumbling the Future: How Xerox Invented, Then Ignored Personal Computing -- widely celebrated as one of the classic books of the Information Age
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