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December 29, 2005

Annals of Incompetence

What do a South Dakota radio station, Virgin Islands perfume shop, a Utah dog boutique and scores of Dunkin Donuts and Subway shops around the nation have in common with nearly 17,000 other small businesses? Two things:

First, they received more than 85% of the billions of dollars Congress asked the Small Business Administration to distribute through lenders to small businesses in New York and Washington DC needing to recover from September 11th.

Second, they were in no way affected by the terrorist attacks.

Getting something -- anything -- wrong 85% of the time demands extreme "Brownie/FEMA" like incompetence -- incompetence on a scale that, seriously, shreds the use of the word 'administration'. Are you or anyone you know aware of any program or business or initiative that failed in its purpose and objectives 85% of the time?

Response of SBA Adminstrator Hector Barreto: "SBA implemented the program as Congress intended."

Posted by Doug Smith on December 29, 2005 07:57 PM | Permalink

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Doug Smith says: "Getting something -- anything -- wrong 85% of the time demands extreme "Brownie/FEMA" like incompetence -- incompetence on a scale that, seriously, shreds the use of the word 'administration'. " In this case, he's talking about the... [Read More]

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